Economics Student at UC Merced.
Exploring project management,
data science, and design.

My Headshot

My name is Evan. It's nice to meet you!

I am a double majoring in Economics (Analysis and Policy Emphasis) and Cognitive Science at UC Merced, with a strong interest in behavioral economics and data science. Growing up in Silicon Valley, I have developed a passion for exploring how technology can transform industries, which has inspired my journey to combine business acumen with technological skill.
My ultimate goal is to build a career at the intersection of economics, interdisciplinary design, and technology to drive innovation.

In my current role at UC Merced's Office of Student Involvement Business Center, I collect and analyze data on student engagement while streamlining expenditure processes for over 100 campus clubs and organizations. As President and re-founder of the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE), I lead initiatives and projects that foster professional development and empower students with opportunities to grow and succeed.


President @ SASE UCM
May 2024 - Present
  • Re-founded the SASE Merced Chapter to foster a vibrant community for scholars of Asian heritage.
  • Recruited and managed a board of nine officers
  • Facilitate board and member meetings to ensure effective communication and collaboration.
  • Serve as the primary liaison between SASE and other organizations, enhancing inter-campus cultural unity.
  • Strategize and implement professional development opportunities for students across all disciplines.
HTML CSS Adobe Suite
Undergraduate Researcher @ UCM Economics Department
May 2024 - Present
  • Assisted in data collection, cleaning, and analysis using statistical software, including Python, Stata, and Excel.
  • Conducted literature reviews and communicated with external researchers to gain insights for ongoing projects.
  • Support faculty research on economic theories, public policy, and labor market trends.
  • Develop and present research deliverables at academic symposiums, showcasing project outcomes and insights.
Python Stata LaTex
Business Center Intern @ UCM Office of Student Involvement (OSI)
Jan 2024 - Present
  • Maintain and oversee expenditure processes for over two hundred university clubs and organizations.
  • Optimize workflows and develop financial data visualizations using Python and Excel.
  • Create graphics, posters, and visual designs using Adobe Suite to support office branding and communication.
  • Developed a curriculum to train prospective interns in finance management principles and essential Excel skills.
Python Excel Adobe Suite


  • Publish a research paper
  • Meet 1000 founders
  • Work for a unicorn
  • Travel to over 30 countries
  • Make my own wooden chair
  • Build my own Recording Studio
  • Become a TED Talk Speaker
  • Create my own scholarship fund